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Foundation C

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C/ C++ Overview

UpScale's C/C++ Training enables you to master the complete C/C++

Modes of Training

C Curriculum


What is a Language?

Why C Language?

Translators- Compilers and Interpreters

Different Programming Approaches

Where to write program-IDE

Demo of a Program

What are header files and pre processor directives

Introduction to C Basic

Datatypes and variables



Scope in C




Storage and Garbage Collection

Precedence of Operators

Demo of all the above concepts

Decision Making Statements

if else

if else if ladder

nested if

Continue and Break statement

Goto statements

switch case

Use of operators and making conditions

Uses of if and switch at appropriate places

Iteration and Looping Statements

Why Loops

Syntax of while , do..while, for loop

Nested Loops

Ample number of Programs to understand the concepts thoroughly


Why Arrays

Advantages and Disadvantages of Arrays

1D Arrays and 2D Arrays

Searching and Sorting in Arrays

Insertion and deletion in Arrays

Char Arrays(String)

How char Arrays are different from other Arrays

2D character Arrays-Array of Strings

Searching and Sorting in char Arrays

Functions of character Arrays

Introduction of Library Functions

Various functions of different categories

Include functions from header files like ctype.h, string.h, math.h


Why Pointers

Arrays and Pointers relation

char Arrays and Pointers relation

Types of Pointers :- void , NULL and Dangling Pointers

Pointer Arithmetic

Pointers and Functions


Why and how to make functions

Advantages and Disadvantages of Functions

What are arguments and parameters and return type

How to pass Array from functions

Functions and Pointers

User define and Predefined Functionp>

Call by value, Call by Reference


Ample number of Programs to understand the concepts thoroughly

Storage Class






Why Structure and how to make create structure

Array of structure

typedef in C

Structure and Pointer

Structure and Functions

Difference between Union and Structure

Dyanamic Memory Allocation

What is Dynamic Memory Allocation

Why Dynamic Memory Allocation is done?

How Dynamic Memory Allocation is done?

Array Implementation of Dynamic Memory Allocation

calloc() malloc()

File Management

Why and how files are made programatically

File opening modes

How to open and close files

How to read and write in a file

Error Handling in Files



What is a Language?

Why C++Language?

Translators- Compilers and Interpreters

Different Programming Approaches

Where to write program-IDE

Demo of a Program

What are header files and pre processor directives

Basic idea of Object Oriented Programming

Difference and Similarities between C and C++

Introduction to C++ Basic

Datatypes and variables



Scope in C




Storage and Garbage Collection

Precedence of Operators

Demo of all the above concepts

Decision Making Statements

if else

if else if ladder

nested if

Continue and Break statement

Goto statements

switch case

Use of operators and making conditions

Uses of if and switch at appropriate places

Iteration and Looping Statements

Why Loops

Syntax of while , do..while, for loop

Nested Loops

Ample number of Programs to understand the concepts thoroughly


Why Arrays

Advantages and Disadvantages of Arrays

1D Arrays and 2D Arrays

Searching and Sorting in Arrays

Insertion and deletion in Arrays

Char Arrays(String)

How char Arrays are different from other Arrays

2D character Arrays-Array of Strings

Searching and Sorting in char Arrays

Functions of character Arrays

Introduction of Library Functions

Various functions of different categories

Include functions from header files like ctype.h, string.h, math.h


Why Pointers

Arrays and Pointers relation

char Arrays and Pointers relation

Types of Pointers :- void , NULL and Dangling Pointers

Pointer Arithmetic

Pointers and Functions

Difference between Pointers and References

Call by Value and Call by Reference

References and Functions


Why and how to make functions

Advantages and Disadvantages of Functions

What are arguments and parameters and return type

How to pass Array from functions

Functions and Pointers


Ample number of Programs to understand the concepts thoroughly

Storage Class






Why Structure and how to make create structure

Array of structure

typedef in C

Structure and Pointer

Structure and Functions

Difference between Union and Structure

Dyanamic Memory Allocation

What is Dynamic Memory Allocation

Why Dynamic Memory Allocation is done?

How Dynamic Memory Allocation is done?

Array Implementation of Dynamic Memory Allocation

new and delete operator

OOPs Introduction

What are Objects and Classes

Why Object Oriented Approach

Difference between OOPs and Procedural Programming Approach

Four Pillars of OOPs



Inheritance and its types

Polymorphism and its types

How to make classes and declare objects / references

How to make array of objects

Constructor and Destructor


What is Abstraction

Access Specifiers on terms of data members

Difference and application of Instance members and Static members

Scope resolution Operator


What is encapsulation and how to implement it

How to make functions in a class

Data binding


Importance of Inheritance

Types of Inheritance

Access Specifiers on terms of classes

Function Overriding

Constructor and Destructor Revisited in Inheritance

Shallow Copy and Deep Copy


Polymorphism and its types

Function Overloading

Functions Overriding

Operator Overloading

Compile Time Polymorphism and Run Time Polymorphism

Static binding and dynamic binding

This pointer

Why Virtual functions are needed

How to make Functions or Classes as Virtual

Virtual vs. Pure Virtual

Friend function and Classes- advantages and disadvantages

Inline Functions

File Management

Why and how files are made programatically

File opening modes

How to open and close files

How to read and write in a file

Error Handling in Files

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