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Python Overview
UpScale's Python Training enables you to master the complete Python
Modes of Training
- High Quality videos built by industry experts with theory and demonstration of features and tasks of the Selenium with Java
- Learn at your Convenience.
- You get pre-defined recordings
- Delivered through LMS.
- Fixed Course Content.
- Certification Guidance Provided.
- High Quality videos built by industry experts with theory and demonstration of features and tasks of the Selenium with Java
- Learn at your Convenience.
- You get pre-defined recordings
- Delivered through LMS.
- Fixed Course Content.
- Certification Guidance Provided.
Why to Learn Python
Properties/Features of Python
Application of Python
Installing and Setting up required environmental varaiables
Introduction to IDE and Debugging
Demo of how to run the program via command prompt
Python Identifiers
Lines and Indentation
Variables and Datatypes
Operator and Operands
Order of Operations
Python Comments
Python Numbers
Encapsulation and Generalization
All type of Control Statements
Break Statements
Continue Statements
Nested Loops
Function Call
Type Conversion
Math Function
Adding new Function
Parameters and Arguments
Suitable Programs to Understand Recursion
Python String
Special String Operators
Find Function
String Format Operators
Triple quote significance
Functions of String
Lists in Python
Accessing, Updating, Deleting in Lists
Basic Lists Operations
Indexing , Slicing , Matrixes
Built in Functions of Lists
Tuples in Python
Difference between Lists and Tuples
Accessing, Updating, Deleting in Tuples
Basic Tuple Operations
Indexing , Slicing , Matrixes
Built in Functions of Lists
Sparse Matrices
Importance of Dictionary
Accessing, Updating, Deleting in Dictionary
Properties of Keys and value
Built in Functions of Dictionary
Modes of file
Working on file
Exception and it's types
Exception Handling
Time Tuple
How to get current time, formatted time
Built in time functions
What , where and how sets are used
How to access, add, change, delete items in Set
pop, clear , del from set
update and join sets
set constructors and methods
Why and how to make Module
import statement
pythonpath variable
Namespaces and Scoping
The globals() and locals() Functions
The reload() Function
Packages in Python
Creating Classes and objects
Instance objects
Accessing attributes
Overview of OOP terminology
Class Inheritance
Overriding Method
Data Hiding
Function Overloading
Introduction to Divide and Conquer
Binary Search/p>
Quick Sort, Merge Sort
Graph Optimization Technique
Greedy Approach
Introduction to Dynamic Programing
Approach for Dynamic programing
Fibonacci Series
0/1 Knapsack problem